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Told you so…

According to some new research from England,
"concerns over egg consumption
and cholesterol increase are unfounded."

It's good news...which those of you that read Nutrition & Healing actually received over a year ago -- in the Janurary 2008 issue.

In his article "The egg risk you need to know about before you order your next omelet," Dr. Wright explained how the whole "cholesterol is bad for you" myth originated in the first place.

Almost 100 years ago, now-famous Russian researcher Nikolai Anitschkov fed cholesterol to rabbits. When the rabbits developed atherosclerotic vascular disease, it supposedly "proved" that cholesterol "causes" atherosclerosis. But in a much-less-publicized experiment that took place 50 years later, another researcher tried to duplicate Anitschkov's research. He also fed rabbits cholesterol, but, unlike Anitschkov, he was very careful not to allow the cholesterol to lie around the rabbit cages exposed to air, which causes it to oxidize quite rapidly. Surprisingly (except perhaps to this researcher) the rabbits did not develop coronary atherosclerosis. Their arteries remained clear.

What this follow-up study proved is that oxidized cholesterol -- not cholesterol itself -- can cause atherosclerosis.

So where do eggs fit in? Well, most of the egg's cholesterol is in the yolk, but if those yolks are left intact, that cholesterol doesn't become oxidized and isn't a threat to your heart or arteries. Breaking the yolk and/or scrambling the egg, on the other hand, allows that cholesterol to be exposed to much more air and heat. That air and heat can cause the cholesterol in the scrambled egg yolks to oxidize before you even have a chance to eat them, potentially contributing to atherosclerosis.

Your best bet? Stick with sunny side up.

Yours in good health,

Amanda Ross
Nutrition & Healing

P.S. Keep reading to find out what else we've talked about this week in the Health eTips…


..7 lbs that dont need pills
Counteracting the disease mongering of the pharmaceutical industry with articles showing the benefits of simple lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise is, overall, a great thing, and something that really has to take place on a grander, more frequent scale if we are to change this deadly trend of pill-popping.

The seven common health conditions mentioned below could indeed be managed without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs, which oftentimes cause serious side effects and deteriorate your health even further.

* Osteoarthritis, the deterioration of cartilage that cushions the joints, is the most common form of arthritis among the elderly. Vital components to improving this condition include: optimizing your diet to make sure you’re getting proper nutrients for your nutritional type; making sure your vitamin D levels are healthy (sun exposure is your BEST source!), and that you’re getting adequate omega-3 fatty acids, which are profoundly helpful for normalizing your immune function; and regular low-impact exercise.
* Rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease in which your body starts destroying itself -- in some cases resulting in chronic destruction and deformity of your joints – can also be greatly relieved without going to the pharmacy. I recommend you review my RA page, Your Comprehensive Guide to Treating and Overcoming Rheumatoid Arthritis for more information about this subject.
* Additionally, in almost every case of rheumatoid arthritis there’s an underlying emotional cause; a severe, emotional trauma that took place before the age of five. Typically, all the traditional counseling in the world will not effectively address this. Energy-psychology tools such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, however, can be far more helpful in this regard.


* The issue of “good” and “bad” cholesterol is perhaps one of the most pervasive medical myths out there, created and perpetuated by pharmaceutical advertising. Dr. Ron Rosedale is an expert in the field, and if you didn’t already watch the video in today’s article How You Have Been Fooled by Good and Bad Cholesterol, make sure you take a look at it now.
* Very few people are educated correctly on cholesterol -- how it’s really all about your LDL particle sizes, not your overall LDL level.
* The only way to truly correct your underlying problem is through diet. By eliminating sugar and most grains, you will effectively reduce your insulin and leptin levels, which are the underlying causes that create LDL particles that are too small to circulate without sticking to the interior walls of your arteries.
* There’s not a single pharmaceutical drug that can modulate LDL particle sizes.
* To normalize your cholesterol level naturally, these three primary strategies work well 99 percent of the time if properly implemented: daily exercise; eating a low grain, low sugar diet; and, taking a high quality omega-3 supplement.

Cognitive Decline

* Alzheimer’s disease is an epidemic. Appropriate diet and removal of heavy metals are the ABC’s of optimal brain health and Alzheimer’s prevention.
* Keeping your insulin levels normal, getting the right amount of omega-3 fats, avoiding sugar, eating more vegetables (high in folate) and foods with high antioxidant content are dietary changes that can help prevent cognitive decline.
* Avoiding and removing mercury and aluminum can also have a major impact. Dental amalgam fillings are one of the major sources of mercury, and common sources of aluminum include antiperspirants and cookware.
* You should also avoid all flu vaccinations, as they contain unhealthy doses of both mercury and aluminum.


* Antidepressant drugs do not in any way, shape or form treat the cause of your depression. This is so important to understand!
* To address the underlying problem, few things work better than a combination of a high quality omega-3 combined with exercise, which is clearly one of the best-kept secrets for depression. If you haven't read Dr. Stoll's book on omega-3’s and depression, I highly recommend it.
* Last but not least, learning how to use an energy-psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique can be extremely helpful. Energy psychology tools are one of the most powerful methods I know of, and really are a crucial element of a successful treatment program.


* The thing everyone should know about type 2 diabetes is this: it is completely preventable and is almost always curable, using nothing but dietary and lifestyle modifications, including:
* · Limit or eliminate sugar and grains in your diet
* · Exercise regularly and intensely
* · Avoid trans fats
* · Get plenty of omega-3 fats from fish oil or krill oil
* · Get enough high-quality sleep every night
* · Maintain a healthy body weight

* Nutritional typing can be particularly helpful here. Nearly all type 2 diabetics need to swap out their grains for other foods, but whereas some people will benefit from using protein for the substitution, others will benefit from using more vegetable-only carbohydrates. Therefore, along with reducing grains and sugars, determining your nutritional type will give you insight into what foods you should use to replace those grains and sugars for optimal health benefit.

High Blood Pressure

* High blood pressure can be a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease. As many as 90 percent of Americans may eventually be affected by it. Fortunately, monitoring and regulating your blood pressure is very easy to do.

* The single most important factor in normalizing your blood pressure is to get your insulin and leptin levels normalized. This is done through limiting grains and sugars and making certain that exercise levels are appropriate.

* Interestingly this is the same strategy that normalizes virtually every high cholesterol level.
* A word of caution: you need to make certain that whoever takes your blood pressure does it properly. With over two-thirds of the U.S. population overweight, it is important to have the right size cuff when measuring your blood pressure. It’s also important to pay attention to the correct arm position during your reading.
* The vast majority of high blood pressure cases can be treated safely and naturally by following those simple guidelines.


* Just as exercise and diet work in tandem to beat obesity, the same can be said for osteoporosis. Vitamin D and K are also crucial factors.
* Diet is, of course, also tremendously important for strong bones. One thing you can do is to increase your consumption of vegetables based on your body's unique nutritional type. However, if after determining your nutritional type you still find it difficult to eat the recommended amount of vegetables you need daily, try vegetable juicing.
* One of the many positive qualities of vegetable juice is that it is high in vitamin K, which is a crucial part of bone health. Yet most people do not get enough of it from diet alone unless you juice your veggies or eat large amounts of dark green leafy vegetables. The type of vitamin K from plants is vitamin K1. An even stronger vitamin K is vitamin K2, which is obtained from animals. Probably one of the best ways to obtain vitamin K2 is from fermented raw milk products. An easy way to go about it is to ferment raw milk with kefir starter packets.
* Another basic tool to maintain your bone health is sun exposure, to allow your body to metabolize sufficient amounts of vitamin D. I am not talking about casual few-minute exposures on your face and hands, but the healthy dose you receive while wearing shorts and either no shirt for men, or a sports bra for women.


September is
Cholesterol Education Month,

which makes it impossible for me not to express my frustration and anger over the inappropriate use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs such as Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol. Years ago, I petitioned the FDA to put strong warnings on statin drugs, notifying people of a particularly dangerous side effect of these medications. As of today, both the FDA and the drug companies are still sitting on this knowledge-and millions of people have been harmed as a result.
You see, in addition to blocking the liver's production of cholesterol, statin drugs also block production of coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is one of the body's most essential elements because it is required for energy production. As you might imagine, hampering CoQ10 production causes horrendous problems, the most common being muscle pain and weakness and liver toxicity. Other complications, which are well documented but rarely discussed, are risk of heart failure, nerve damage, and cognitive impairment, including global amnesia.
Unfortunately, in spite of the threat they pose, statin drugs aren't going away-there's just too much money involved. The dysfunctional marriage between pharmaceutical companies and conventional medicine's pill-pushing paradigm is just too lucrative. Instead of trying to make you healthy, they're constantly changing the definition of "sick," then forcing a drug on you, often for the rest of your life.
The Natural Approach
Assuming that you're not willing to risk your muscles or your memory to lower your cholesterol, what can you do? You have many effective alternatives to statin drugs, but you won't hear about them from your conventional doctor.
He might suggest that you shape up your diet and get more exercise, but I can almost guarantee that in the same breath he'll be whipping out the prescription pad. This is a shame, because many natural therapies are effective, and all are infinitely safer than these drugs.
For more than 25 years I've been using natural methods to lower cholesterol. I have never been, nor will I ever be, a mindless pawn of the pharmaceutical industry jumping on the toxic drug bandwagon-especially when natural therapies can safely and effectively accomplish the same goals.
How My Patients Lower Cholesterol
I could easily rattle off 12 to 14 steps you can take to lower cholesterol. However, if you're truly interested in using alternatives to statin drugs, let me give you three that are extremely effective and, unlike statins, cannot hurt you.
First, grind up one-quarter cup of flaxseed and add it to cereal, salads, or other food, or to a protein drink. The fiber in flaxseed soaks up cholesterol in the intestinal tract, and the omega-3s have multiple benefits, particularly for your heart.
Second, take 600-1,200 mg of red yeast rice twice a day. This natural substance is very effective in lowering cholesterol. Red yeast rice has been recommended by the Chinese government to their billions of people, estimating that it will reduce their heart disease rates by at least 30 percent. They have neither the money nor the inclination to use toxic pharmaceutical substances when there is a safe, natural alternative. (Note: Because this natural product works on the same enzyme system as statin drugs-albeit in a safer, gentler way-it could theoretically also lower CoQ10 levels. Therefore, I recommend that you take at least 100 mg of CoQ10 daily when taking red yeast rice.)
Third, take niacin, 500 mg twice a day. This form of vitamin B3 works so well it has been adopted by conventional medicine. Its primary downside is the flushing it can cause when taken in therapeutic doses. Niacin dilates the blood vessels and promotes the release of histamine in the capillaries, resulting in a discomforting warm, tingly, itchy feeling. You can minimize flushing by taking sustained-release (also called timed-release and controlled-release) niacin, rather than immediate release niacin. (I do not recommend inositol hexaniacinate, or "no-flush" niacin, for lipid lowering because it doesn't work as well.) Taking it in divided doses with meals also reduces flushing, or you can take it all at once at bedtime so you'll be asleep if flushing comes on. A baby aspirin (81 mg) or 15-25 mg of Benadryl half an hour before taking niacin at bedtime is helpful as well.
Although larger doses of niacin (up to 3,000 mg) are often used, 1,000 mg a day will help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Niacin is also the most effective known agent for raising protective HDL cholesterol.
I also strongly recommend that you take a potent multiple vitamin and mineral supplement that contains copious amounts of antioxidants and B-complex vitamins which work together to support heart health and protect against cardiovascular disease. In addition, four to six grams of fish oil per day can help keep cholesterol levels in the healthy range.
As always, you should work with your personal physician to find the solution that's right for you. Follow this three-part regimen and check back with me in four to six weeks and let me know about any changes that have occurred in your cholesterol levels.
To your health,

Julian Whitaker, MD

Did you know that 10% of the global warming is caused by male and female in their menopausal state because of their frequent elevated body heat

**When physically tired, a goodnight sleep usually is the best remedy.
Did you know that the memory also needs a rest. A 90 minute nap in the afternoon will boost your long term memory which will help you recall any type of info
for years to come.

Medic Alert
always on call
for more information



2 % Milk Exposed!
SECRETS ABOUT MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recently I had a patient, wanting to learn more about nutrition, ask me a question that I've heard many times before: "What's the difference between 1% and 2% milk - I mean, what's the big deal - it's only one little percent, right?" Wrong.
Before I begin my lesson in nutritional mathematics, for all the 2% milk drinkers - this is not to scare you (well, ok maybe a little!). But after reading this, it may make you change your mind and go 'skinny' with your milk!
Most of us know that from a health standpoint, choosing lower-fat dairy products is a smart choice for our hearts and our waistlines. So when choosing milk, is it just a one percent difference in Milk Fat (MF) between 1% and 2% milk? Seems like it, right?
Unfortunately, the answer is a whopping...No! Here's why: Long, long ago, when dairy farmers were bringing this product called 'milk' to consumers, they came up with the idea (which the government approved!) to market the % MF in dairy products by VOLUME instead of by Calories.
It was ingenious, really - because it doesn't tell the consumer the how much fat is actually in milk as it relates to calories - which is most important.
Here's where the math comes in - (stay with me here!)
We know that 1 gram of fat yields 9 kcal. So if we want to know the % of fat is in a glass of milk, we need to do the following calculation:
Taking a grocery-bought carton of milk, it shows 1 cup of 2% milk yields 130 kcal and 5 grams of fat.
So 5 grams of fat x 9 kcal per gram = 45 kcals coming from fat in 1 cup of milk.
Therefore, the actual % of fat in 1 cup of 2% milk is not 2%, its 45/130 x 100 = 34.6%!



FIRST : Eat to soothe yourself - including fruits in unlimited quantities (however omit all foods and drinks that contain flour, starch, sugar and alcoholic beverages which slows down your metabolism), and always cook or fry in OLIVE OIL).simple yes!)

SECOND : DO DRINK 60 ounces of water daily that will revv-up your metabolism.

THIRD : 1- multi vitamin daily again to revv-up your metabolism.

FOURTH : 2-500 mg of CALCIUM DAILY will increase fat burning by up to 70%- also protects bones and prevent some types of cancer

FIFTH : 2- fish oil capsules daily BOOSTS weight loss by up to 35% It increases fat burning, improves skin's elasticity and collagen - for a smoother complexion.

SIXTH : 2- 400mg MAGNESIUM DAILY to help CALCIUM do its job - and since we are likely to be deficient in this nutrient magnesium supplements are critical.


Although sometimes we kinda run out of patience for various reasons here is some wisdom that will help keep us sane!!!

Kent Keith's "Paradoxical 10 Commandments:"
A few fundamentals about the human condition.

1. People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.

3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.

4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway

5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.

7. People favor underdogs but follow top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.

10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.

..How Cell Phone Radiation Affects Your Cells
For the first time, researchers are able to show that molecular changes do take place in your body during exposure to information-carrying radio waves, such as those from your cell phone. Similar effects have previously been found in cultured cells, but now they’re able to show that the impact on the human body is indeed the same.

So what is the physiological significance of these changes in proteins?

So far, no one knows for sure.

But I firmly believe that dismissing it as inconsequential would be a serious mistake, especially in light of ALL the data available, pointing to a wide variety of long-term health risks.

What Causes the Biological Damage?

Let me be VERY clear. Most of the danger from most land-based portable phones, cell phones and Wi-Fi routers is not from the thermal damage produced by these devices from which typical SAR ratings are given on phones. Unless you have massive exposures like you might expect in a microwave oven, these thermal effects are insignificant.

We believe the biological damage comes both from the modulated signals that are carried ON the carrier microwave and the carrier wave itself. However, they do their damage by two entirely different mechanisms. These modulated information-carrying radio waves resonate in biological frequencies of a few to a few hundred cycles per second, and can stimulate your cellular receptors causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences that can culminate in fatigue, anxiety and ultimately cancers.

This is a MAJOR problem because in the last few years we have had an exponential increase in exposure to these waves. It took from 1984 to 2004 to reach the first billion cell phones, the second billion took just 18 months, the third billion took only nine months, and the fourth billion just six months.

And this does not factor in any of your exposure to Wi-Fi routers (wireless internet), which are now pervasive. Since there is a lag time of five to 20 years before many of these effects become clinically apparent, now is the time to act before you or your family suffers the damage.

You May Already Suffer the Ill Effects

Numerous studies claim there is no biological impact of RF radiation within the cell phone range. This latest study punches a hole in that notion.

Additionally, researchers in different countries are finding equally disturbing results that point to far greater health implications than anyone is ready for.

Unfortunately, most people fail to correlate common symptoms and health problems to their exposure to cell phones and other radio frequencies, perhaps because these conditions can so easily be attributed to other causes as well.

Do you suffer from any of these common illnesses and ailments, which have all been scientifically linked to cell phone information-carrying radio waves?

* - Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia
* - Parkinson’s
* - Autism
* - Fatigue
* - Headaches
* - Sleep disruptions
* - Altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness

Although cancer and brain tumors are most often cited as the potential health risks from cell phone radiation, as you can see, cancer is not the only, or the most common, danger that you and your children face.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A study published in the June 2003 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives was also the first of its kind; showing that EMF’s emitted by certain mobile phones damage neurons in the brains of rats.

They used 12- to 26-week-old rats in this study because their developmental age is comparable to that of human teenagers, who are some of the heaviest users of mobile phones. Said the study authors:

"The situation of the growing brain might deserve special concern, since biological and maturational processes are particularly vulnerable. We cannot exclude that after some decades of often daily use, a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects as early as middle age."

Is Your Headset Making Matters Worse?

For some time, the standard recommendation to reduce your radiation exposure was to use a headset. But, newer investigations, and the emergence of wireless earpieces (like Bluetooth), turns this idea upside down. These headsets may actually intensify your exposure to harmful radiation because the headset itself acts as an antenna, which is now inserted directly into your ear canal.

Testing has indicated that your cell phone headset may actually raise the amount of radiation emitted by more than 300 percent!It's vital that you know the pros and cons of cell phone headsets -- especially now that laws requiring "hands-free" cell phone headsets while driving are going in effect all over the United States.

The British Independent Group on Mobile Phones suggested that headsets are an ideal solution only if they were used with filters to stop the headset wire from acting as an effective antenna. One solution is an air-tube headset. These conduct sound, but prevent any radiation from traveling up the wire to your brain.

More Safety Tips to Limit Your Exposure

To date, there are few alternatives to ensure complete safety, but there are some common sense recommendations:

* 1) Limit the amount of time you spend on the phone.
* 2) Limit your exposure to WiFi routers. Find out where they are located in your work environment and stay away from them.
* 3) If you have any land-based (non-cellular) portable phones, do NOT use anything other than the 900 MHz phones as the Gigahertz phones stay on continuously, blasting you with information-carrying radio waves 24/7.
* 4) Use the speakerphone instead of putting the phone to your ear; this is probably one of the single most important steps you can take other than not using your cell phone.
* 5) Use a wired headset to limit your exposure to the cell phone -- ideally, an air-tube headset that conducts sound but prevents any radiation from traveling up the wire to your brain. Also make sure the wire is SHIELDED, which prevents the wire from acting as an antenna that could attract more information-carrying radio waves directly to your brain.
* 6) Limit calls inside buildings.
* 7) Use the phone in open spaces as often as possible.
* 8) Limit use by children and preadolescents.

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It's easy to think of plastic bags as the villain. After all, there's a growing number of cities and countries around the globe either banning them outright or proposing taxes and fees to discourage their use. Here's a partial list: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Westport (Connecticut), Seattle, Portland, China, Ireland, Australia, and Italy. All are reverting to paper bags and cardboard boxes? ? ? ?
And yet, the answer to that age-old question is not nearly as clear-cut as it may seem. Did you know, for example, that more energy is used to produce paper bags and cardboard boxes than their plastic counterparts? Making paper bags and cardboard boxes also requires a lot of water (not to mention a countless number of trees).

That being said, you are or will be more likely to reuse a plastic bag than one made of paper. Consider using them for your trash instead of spending money on new plastic garbage liners at the store. In that scenario, you're getting two uses out of the plastic bag, so it's like having a bag made from 50 percent recycled content

Unfortunately the paper-bag option is made from timber instead of post-consumer recycled fiber (although its in no danger of ending up in an ocean).
The only solution is to forgo single-usage bags (plastic or paper) and carry your own reusable bags. Choose the best-quality bags so that they last a long time.


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